

This page is an incomplete list of features that are currently being considered for ante but for one reason or another are not included in the language already. These features are listed in no particular order.


Given ante does not have true methods, some form of overloading could greatly help alleviate user frustration by allowing modules like Vec and HashMap to both be imported despite defining conflicting names like empty, of, insert, get, etc. Overloading would also reduce the need for traits as users would no longer need to use traits to be lazy with their function names. It would however complicate documentation somewhat. An identifier would no longer be uniquely determined by its full module path, referring to a specific instance of it must now specify the full module path and type of the function.

Basic usage would be relatively simple:

import Map
import Vec

foo (map: HashMap I32 String) =
    elem = get map 4
    print elem

Here, the type checker has both get: HashMap a b - a -> Maybe b and get: Vec a - Usz -> Maybe a in scope. Since it knows map: HashMap I32 String, there is only one valid choice and the code is thus unambiguous. It’s worth noting there may be implementation concerns - if we have more than 2 of these in scope, the resolution order of these constraints could affect whether subsequent constraints can be inferred to a single instance or not.

In addition, there is the question of what should be done for the following code:

foo map =
    elem = get map 4
    print elem

This foo would be valid for both map: HashMap (Int a) b and map: Vec b (given Print b). There are two options here:

  1. We can be more flexible and generalize the constraint:
foo: a -> Unit given
    get: a -> Int b -> c,
    Print c

In which case we end up with a kind of compile-time duck typing. Worst case scenario if we made a typo (gett instead of get), this could generalize our gett constraint instaed of issuing a method not found error. This seems like it can be avoided however by only generalizing if there is actually at least 2 functions in scope with that name.

It is an open question whether generalized function requirements should be resolved via the set of functions visible to the caller or just those visible to the definer. If it is the former, this functions as a sort of ad-hoc trait feature and the “only generalize if there are at least 2 functions in scope” of the definer rule seems more arbitrary if these functions won’t be used for resolution anyway. For this reason, it is perhaps better to opt into this feature via a separate syntax, e.g. via . hinting at method calls in other languages:

foo map =
    elem = map.get 4
    print elem

This method is opt-in so users are less likely to accidentally hit it and get confused. Moreover, it largely follows the already-established type inference and generalization rules for . on fields.

  1. We can choose to never generalize and always issue an error if there are more than two functions that may match in scope. If the user still wishes to allow such functionality, they must use traits and impl the trait for each combination of types they want. This approach is less compatible with type inference and may lead to users avoiding type inference to be able to use overloading. It may also be a stumbling block for new programmers, though both of these proposals realistically may be.

Compile-time Code Execution and Macros

Compile-time code generation is a powerful feature that is often required by certain use cases. While it can often cause issues for language servers and error reporting, omission of any compile-time execution or macros can be equally or more frustrating for the use cases that do need it.

A good starting place for compile-time execution and macros would be adding a comptime modifier to signify something that is run at compile-time. In addition, quote can be a new operator which quotes the code on its right hand side and returns an object of type Code that can be manipulated. Other Code objects can be interpolated into this via $. comptime functions which return a Code object will automatically interpolate this code into their callsite, unless the result is captured with a comptime variable.

comptime loop_unroll (iterations: U8) (body: U8 -> Code) : Code =
    loop (i = 0) ->
        if i >= iterations
        then quote ()
        else quote
            $(body i)
            $(recur (i + 1))

comptime pow (base: Code) (exponent: U8) : Code =
        result = mut 1
        $(loop_unroll exponent fn _ ->
            quote result *= $base)

x = mut 2
x = pow (quote x) 5
print x  //=> 32

// A `macro` keyword can be considered for compile-time functions which return `Code` values.
macro pow base (exponent: U8) =
    result = mut 1
    $(loop_unroll exponent fn _ ->
        quote result *= $base)

This could be expanded to include compile-time introspection functions on Code objects to retrieve the AST kind, type of the object, etc.

Implementing this scheme would likely require a full meta-cyclical evaluator. Compile-time functions would be evaluated after type checking, and affected code may need to restart name resolution and type checking until there are no more compile-time functions to be evaluated.

It would also be possible to implement derive using this:

comptime derive_functions = mut ()

comptime register_derive (function: Code -> Code) (trait_name: Code): Unit =
    insert derive_functions trait_name function

comptime derive (type_definition: Code) (trait_name: Code): Code =
    if not is_type_definition type_definition then
        error "derive can only be used on type definitions"

    match get derive_functions trait_name
    | Some derive_function ->
        new_impl = derive_function type_definition
        concat type_definition new_impl
    | None ->
        error "No derive function registered for ${trait_name}"

Using this, we could register a handler by:

!register_derive Eq
derive_eq (type_definition: Code): Code =
    arg1 = quote arg1
    arg2 = quote arg2

    // for structs return `arg1.field1 == arg2.field1 and ... and arg1.fieldN == arg2.fieldN`
    body = if is_struct_definition type_definition then
        derive_eq_struct_helper arg1 arg2 type_definition

    // for unions return `match union | Variant1 field1 .. fieldN -> case1 | Variant2 .. -> case2 | ... | VariantN .. -> caseN`
    // where each case is a struct derivation for Eq
    else if is_union_definition type_definition then
        variants = variants_of_type type_definition
        cases = map variants fn variant ->
            derive_eq_struct_helper arg1 arg2 variant

        into_match variants cases
        error "derive_eq: Expected a type definition"

    typename = type_name type_definition
    generics = generics type_definition

    quote impl Eq ($typename $generics) with
        eq $arg1 $arg2 = $body

/// Transforms:
///   [`a`, `b`, .., `z`]
/// Into:
///   arg1.a == arg2.a and arg2.b == arg2.b and ... and arg1.z == arg2.z
comptime derive_eq_struct_helper (arg1: Code) (arg2: Code) (typ: Code): Code =
    fields = fields_of_type typ
    field_names = vecmap fields field_name

    calls = map fields fn field ->
        quote $arg1.$field == $arg2.$field

    join_with calls fn call1 call2 ->
        quote $call1 and $call2

Which could be used as:

!derive Eq
type MyType =
    x: I32
    y: U32

Allocator Effect

In low level code it can often be helpful to provide a custom allocator for a type. Languages like C++ and Rust realized the usefulness of this later on and needed to refactor types like std::vector and std::vec::Vec to be parameterized over an allocator. Zig on the other hand instead opts to have users manually thread through an allocator parameter to all functions that may allocate. This simplifies the types and makes it easier to make libraries that provide custom types also accept custom allocators. However, it can be quite burdensome to users to manually thread the allocator through everywhere. Can we do better?

Yes we can. This pattern of “manually threading through X through our program” is the same as the State effect. We can design a similar effect for allocate which should compile to the same state-passing code but with the benefit of having the compiler thread through the allocator for us:

effect Allocate a with
    allocate: Unit -> Ptr a

Now functions that may allocate are marked with an effect:

type Rc a =
    raw_ptr: Ptr a
    aliases: U32

of (value: a) : Rc a can Allocate a =
    Rc (allocate a) 1

Providing a custom allocator can now be done through a regular handler:

malloc_allocator (f: Unit -> a can Allocate b) : a =
    handle f ()
    | allocate () -> size_of (MkType : Type b) |> malloc |> resume

rc = Rc.of 3 with malloc_allocator

or if no handler is provided then main will automatically handle Allocate effects with a default handler (presumably deferring to malloc or region allocation).

There are a number of open questions however:

  1. The interface to allocate is unclear, the interface above doesn’t allow allocating dynamically sized arrays. An interface closer to calloc may be better here.

  2. A raw Ptr is returned by the Allocator interface. This means we can easily leak values if not careful. We could try to add a lifetime constraint of sorts, or perhaps this limitation may be acceptable for users that need the low level control.

  3. Allocators also need deallocate functionality which is not given. There are two options I see here: Add deallocate to the Allocate interface (more flexible), or expect all Allocate handlers to outlive their allocations and cleanup when the handler finishes (this would be another useful place for a lifetime parameter). The first approach seems more viable than the second since the second can be implemented in terms of the first by adding cleanup code to the end of the handler and using an empty deallocate match.

  4. This Allocate a effect would be so ubiquitous that it is perhaps unreasonable to expect users to type can Allocate a, Allocate b for every function that may allocate types a and b. If we get rid of the type variable and use a slightly different design:

effect Allocate with
    allocate: Type a -> Ptr a

Then the effect could be folded into the IO effect alias: IO = can Print, Allocate, ..., though this would force all allocations within a function to use the same allocator (rather than just all allocations of the same type) which seems too limiting. Alternatively, we could encourage users to infer the effects for most functions rather than explicitly adding can clauses. This could possibly be added with an effect row .. to specify some effects while inferring the rest: foo: a -> a can Print, ...

Traits as Types

Allowing traits to be used in a type position such that they match with any type that implements them could help ease some of the notational burden of traits. Prior art here includes impl Trait and dyn Trait in rust, existential types in haskell, any interface type in OO langs, and others.

An ideal implementation would take advantage of ante being slightly higher level than rust to get rid of the distinction between impl and dyn trait to just choose the right one where possible. This should allow for both:

print (x: Show) : Unit =
    printne "${show x}\n"


print_all (xs: Vec Show) : Unit =
    printne '['
    fields = map xs show |> join ", "
    iter fields printne
    printne ']'

Where the semantics of print likely translates to fn print(x: impl Show) in rust, and the semantics of print_all likely translate to fn print_all(xs: Vec<dyn Show>). An alternative would be to have both functions be polymorphic over whether the underlying type is known or whether the trait is dynamic.

Multiple variable traits

In traits with multiple type parameters or traits with type parameters which are not used directly in a function’s parameters it is unclear which type a trait object would represent at runtime. For example, given the traits

trait Pair a b with
    pack : a - b -> String

trait Parse a with
    parse : String -> a

example1 (x: Pair) = pack ???

example2 (y: Parse) = parse ?

What should a trait object for Pair represent? Arbitrarily picking one type seems out of the question. To be able to call pack we’d need to supply both parameters somehow. A valid response may be just to limit trait objects to single parameter traits with “object-safe” functions as rust does, but this may be more limiting than is needed. For example, if we change our syntax such that the existential type variable must be explicitly specified, then Pair becomes usable as a trait object as long as we specify a type to pack with:

example1 (x: Pair _ I32) = pack x 7

example1b (x: Pair String _) = pack "hello" x

This would incur some notational burden but is otherwise explicit and strictly more flexible than the previous approach. _ is likely not a good keyword to be used here however since it is already used for explicit currying in ante, and this may be applicable to type constructors some day.

Exists syntax

It is worth briefly exploring a more explicit and flexible syntax via an exists keyword to introduce an existential type variable (rather than the default forall quantified type variables ante has). It sidesteps most of the issues with previous syntaxes for trait objects by separating the exists clause from where the type is used later in the signature:

example1 (x: e?) : String with Pair e? I32 = ...

Although flexible, this does not solve the original problem of improving the ergonomics of using traits in function signatures. Instead, it makes it worse.

Traits and effects

Since traits in ante can be thought of as a restricted form of effects which must resume in a tail position and have an automatic impl search, a natural question that arises is “if there are trait objects, are there effect objects too?”

At the time of writing, I’m leaning towards “no” as an answer for two reasons.

  1. Trait objects exist to ease notational burden of traits or to provide dynamic dispatch.
    • Effects do not have the same notational burden since they do not need to have a type implementing the effect passed in through the function’s parameters. There would thus be no benefit for most effects like State s because these are already only found in the effects clause of a type signature. Using traits in this way would be useless since without an accompanying (iter: it) parameter, a trait like Iterator it elem would not be usable within a function to begin with.
    • For similar reasons, effects do not need to be dynamically dispatched since they have no type that can represent them and handlers should be statically known.
  2. Erasing effects in any way increases the difficulty of optimizing effects which would be a hard sell when algebraic effects must already be carefully optimized out to not incur great performance loss.

Derive Without Macros

Trait deriving is an extremely useful feature for any language with traits and trait impls. It cuts down on so much boilerplate that I would even argue it to be necessary. Rust, for example, relies on implementing derives via procedural macros which are quite difficult for IDEs to handle, slow compile times, come with a hefty learning curve, and are required to be put in a separate crate. To provide a derive mechanism without these downsides, I propose a system based on GHC’s Datatype Generic Programming in which we can define how to derive a trait by specifying rules for what to do for product types, sum types, and annotated types.

Here’s an example in ante (syntax not final):

trait Hash a with
    hash: a -> U64

derive Hash a via match a
| Product a b -> hash_combine (hash a) (hash b)
| Sum (Left s) -> hash s
| Sum (Right s) -> hash s
| Field t _name -> hash t
| Annotated t _anno -> hash t

type Foo = x: I32, y: I32

hash_foo = impl Hash Foo via derive

These would function somewhat as type-directed rules for the compiler to generate impls from a given type. The exact cases we would need may push toward a different list of cases (e.g. a simple Product pair type won’t enable easy differentiation of the begin and end of a struct’s fields) so the final design may be more general with a bit more noise (e.g. we could add StartStruct and StructEnd variants which may be useful for Serialization and other traits).

The above strategy with Hash simply recurses on each field of the type. This is a common enough usecase that we can consider even providing this as a builtin strategy to save users some trouble:

derive Hash a via recur hash_combine

If the trait functions take more than the single a parameter it is unclear if an error should be issued or the strategy can default to passing along these parameters as-is. We could try to generalize the with clause to accept a function taking all parameters and return values as well but this starts to cut into its brevity and ease of use over the more general approach.

Method Forwarding

Without inheritance, it can still be useful to provide easier composition via a feature like Go’s struct embeddings:

type person struct {
    job string

This will forward all methods of animal to work with the type person. Notably, this does not make person a subtype of animal, it only generates new wrapper functions.

Implementing a similar feature for ante is more difficult since ante doesn’t have true methods. There are a few paths we could explore:

  1. Explicit inclusion of functions into a new type:
// Create species, size, and ferocity wrapper functions around the `animal` field
!include animal species size ferocity
type Person =
    animal: Animal
    job: String

Since these are arbitrary functions with no self parameter we must decide how to translate the types within, say Animal.species to our new Person.species function. One approach would be to naively translate all references of Animal to Person, but this gets difficult for parameters with types like Vec Animal where we now must add an entire map operation. It would be simpler to only change parameters matching exactly the type Animal, but this leaves out the common usecases of pointer-wrapper types like ref Animal. We could try to only replace types a given Deref a Animal, but involving impl search in this makes it increasingly complex.

With these complexities it may be better to have users write some boilerplate wrappers for the methods since the boilerplate is at least easier in ante with type inference:

species p = species p.animal
size p = size p.animal
ferocity p = ferocity p.animal

But this is a rather unsatisfactory solution.

  1. Abandon the notion of forwarding arbitrary functions and limit it to only forward impls. This approach still has its own difficulties. Notably, there is no notion of a Self type for traits either, though it may be reasonable to manually specify which type to use for Self as the derive without macros and traits as types proposals do. A similar effect to impl forwarding can be achieved with normal impl deriving for newtypes:
type NonZeroU32 = x: U32

derives = impl (Add, Mul) NonZeroU32 via derive

However, a generalized forwarding mechanism could be made more generic. For example, it could allow deriving from some (but not all) fields:

type Wrapper =
    a: I32
    b: I32
    context: OpaqueContext

hash_wrapper = impl Hash Wrapper via forward a b

Allocator Optimizations

The default allocator malloc in addition to its faster friends jemalloc and mimalloc are designed in such a way to make them general purpose: they must be thread-safe and they cannot assume any lifetime constraints of their data. A very common manual optimization in languages like C or C++ is then to switch out to a faster allocator for some data. For example, a game may elect to use a bump-pointer allocator for any temporary data that is only needed to process the current frame. Another optimization could be to swap out these global allocators for faster thread-local allocators that require no atomic or locking instructions for synchronization.

Automatic usage of thread-local allocators

In Ante, the goal should be to perform these optimizations automatically. The compiler should be able to analyze the transfer of data such that if it is only used in a single thread, a faster thread-local allocator is used over the global allocator. Otherwise, we’d fall back to a global thread-safe allocator like mimalloc. This optimization would be similar to Koka’s Perceus system in which atomic reference count instructions are optimized into non-atomic reference count instructions if the referenced data is used in a single threaded manner.

This will likely end up being an important optimization since thread local allocators can be substantially faster than global allocators. A key property of this optimization however is that it would only change the default allocator. If users wish to manually optimize their program and decide which allocators to use where they will still be able to as before.

Allocate all memory up-front on the stack

If the compiler can put a bound on the amount of memory a thread may allocate for either thread-local or shared data, we would be able to allocate all of a thread’s memory up front. Thread-local data could simply be allocated on the thread’s stack and shared data on the parent thread’s stack or global allocator. This optimization is likely less practical for longer running threads where no memory bound is likely to be found.

Grouping allocations with lifetime inference

A good way to optimize allocations is to simply make fewer of them. Ante should be able to leverage lifetime analysis to find places where we can combine allocations and deallocations of multiple variables. A trivial example would be:

foo () =
    l1 = [1, 2, 3] : List I32
    l2 = [4, 5, 6] ++ l1

A naive implementation may allocate all these list nodes separately but since they are created adjacent to each other and neither are needed outside the current function we should be able to optimize the 6 list node allocations into 1 call to the allocator. In this specific example, the allocator may also simply be the stack itself since we do not need a dynamic lifetime for these nodes in this function.

Grouping allocations in this way however leads to questions on how aggressively we should group adjacent items. What if they are separated by other definitons? Or arbitrary function calls? In general widening the lifetime of one allocation to match another’s so it may be grouped increases the amount of memory the resulting program would use by allocating earlier and freeing later. It is unclear what heuristics should be used - if any - to make this decision on when to group allocations separated by other statements.

Always Incremental Compilation

For languages with long compile times like rust (and presumably ante due to refinement types, lifetime inference, and monomorphisation) incremental compilation largely solves the problem of speeding up compile times when developers are iterating on a problem. It does not solve the problem for users however when they go to download a program or library which now must be recompiled from scratch. Why is this the case? Even if the user is on some new architecture that the compiler must optimize for, this does not mean we should have to re-do all of lexing, parsing, name resolution, type checking, etc for programs that we already know to compile.

Ante’s solution to this will be experimenting with distributing the incremental compilation metadata along with the code. When you download a library from a trusted source (centralized package repository or a company-specific local repository) you can compile the project incrementally rather than compiling from scratch. Downloading a new library and adding a line to your program making use of it should take no longer to compile than adding a line to your program without adding a new library.


The language Unison represents a codebase as a sqlite database rather than traditional text. It achieves incremental compilation by only inserting verified code that passed type checking and all prior passes into this database. It would be possible for ante to store incremental compilation metadata in such a database as well. Advantages of this scheme would be leveraging a pre-existing tool and packing metadata together into a single somewhat standard binary format.


This approach of distributing incremental compilation metadata has a few limitations that are worth noting.

Space and Downloads

Locally, little to no extra space should be required from this feature as the extra incremental information downloaded from a library would have been created anyway when users go to compile the library. It is possible to use extra space if the compiler ever stores extra information that would be unneeded for some users. For example, caching different llvm IR representations that are dependent on the host’s architecture. Solving this may either mean compressing the data so that as little space as possible is duplicated, or it may mean not saving data that is very dependent on the host’s system such as llvm IR.

Downloading this data rather than creating it on compilation would mean an increase in download times. Compared to Unison, ante users would be downloading both the textual code and the incremental version rather than just the later. It is unclear how much of a problem it would be in practice. One potential solution would be to ensure the incremental data of a library or program contains all the information needed to compile it. Then downloading the release of a library from a package manager would only entail downloading the metadata and not the source code itself. One potential issue with this solution is IDE integration. A hypothetical ante-language-server could be able to read type signatures or documentation from this, but if the user wished to explore the source code of the library they would likely only be able to see a pretty-printed AST recreated from the metadata.

Builtin Recursion Schemes

Often in functional programming we encounter familiar looping patterns that can be factored out into functions like map, filter, or fold. Functions over arbitrary recursive types (like trees) however, tend to be written by hand with manual recursion. Recursion Schemes provide a solution to factoring out these recursive patterns, but they come with a high barrier to understanding and require users to manually define a fixpoint version of their types. Ante could in theory create and convert between the fixpoint version of the type behind the scenes to give users a nicer API. Lets consider a sum function for a tree type:

type Tree =
   | Branch Tree Tree
   | Leaf I32

sum tree =
    match tree
    | Branch a b -> sum a + sum b
    | Leaf x -> x

We can use the cata (or fold) recursion scheme to replace each recursive part of our data type with the result of our recursive function on that data. Here’s an example using a new fold keyword for this purpose:

sum tree =
    fold tree
    | Branch a b -> a + b
    | Leaf x -> x

So far, the little we gain in brevity is countered with the additional cognitive overhead of requiring users to understand the additional construct(s) that would be added to the language. Lets look at a more complex example:

type Ast =
    | Var String
    | Int I32
    | Let (name: String) (value: Ast) (body: Ast)
    | Add Ast Ast

free_vars (ast: Ast) : Set String =
    match ast
    | Var name -> [name]
    | Int _ -> []
    | Let name value body -> (free_vars value ++ free_vars body).remove name
    | Add l r -> free_vars l ++ free_vars r

And written with the cata/fold scheme:

free_vars (ast: Ast) : Set String =
    fold ast
    | Var name -> [name]
    | Int _ -> []
    | Let name value_names body_names -> (value_names ++ body_names).remove name
    | Add l r -> l ++ r

Another slight improvement. It is also worth noting that recursive functions taking multiple parameters would not work with this scheme since it would not know which values to pass at each recursive call. There are other recursion schemes including ana for unfolding, and hylo for folding and unfolding, among many more that are more flexible, though adding these must be weighed against the additional complexity they would add to the language. Currently the expected benefit of adding support for recursion schemes directly into the language seems too small to be worth the implementation effort, but it was still a useful avenue to explore.

Refinement Types

Refinement types are an additional boolean constraint on a normal type. For example, we may have an integer type that must be greater than 5. This is written as x: I32 where x > 5. These refinements can be written anywhere after a type is expected, and are mostly restricted to numbers or “uninterpreted functions.” This limitation is so we can infer these refinements like normal types. If we instead allow any value to be used in refinements we would get fully-dependent types for which inference and basic type checking (without manual proofs) is undecidable.

Refinement types can be used to ensure indexing into a vector is always valid:

get (a: Vec t) (index: Usz where index < len a) : t = ...

a = [1, 2, 3]
get a 2  // valid
get a 3  // error: couldn't satisfy 3 < len a

n = random_in (1..10)
get a n  // error: couldn't satisfy n < len a

// The solver is smart enough to know len a > n <=> n < len a
if len a > n then
    get a n  // valid

Uninterpreted functions can also be used to tag values. The following example uses this technique to tag vectors returned by the sort function as being sorted, then restricting the input of binary_search to only sorted vectors:

// You can name a return type for use in refinements
sort (vec: Vec t) : ret: Vec t where sorted ret = ...

binary_search (vec: Vec t where sorted vec) (elem: t) : Maybe (index: Usz where index < len vec) = ...

Type aliases can be used to cut down on the annotations:

SortedVec t = a: Vec t where sorted a

Index vec = x:Usz where x < len vec

sort (vec: Vec t) : SortedVec t = ...

binary_search (vec: SortedVec t) (elem: t) : Maybe (Index vec) = ...

Each of these refinements are would be in type system and would be checked during compile-time with the help of a SMT solver.

Lifetime Inference

Lifetime inference (originally “region inference”) is a technique that can be used to conservatively estimate the lifetime of references at compile time. If included into Ante, a lifetime-inferred pointer would need to be an owning pointer type, e.g. Ref t. This is because it has the ability to automatically extend the lifetime of its contents depending on how far down the call stack the compiler infers that it may reach.

If included in the language, Refs can be created with new : a -> Ref a and the underlying value can be accessed with deref : Ref a -> a. Here’s a simple example:

get_value () : Ref I32 =
    new 3

value = get_value ()

// the Ref value is still valid here and
// is deallocated when it goes out of scope.
print value

The above program would be compiled to the equivalent of destination-passing style in C:

void get_value(int* three) {
    *three = 3;

int main() {
    int value;
    print(value); // print impl is omitted for brevity

The above program showcased we can return a Ref value to extend its lifetime. Unlike borrowing for example, we can never have a lifetime error in this system since the lifetime is simply extended instead.

There are many tradeoffs here however between lack of runtime checks, compile-times, and runtime memory usage. It is possible, for example, to statically determine the furthest stack frame any allocation may reach and use that memory for the allocation (which may still be on the heap if the inferred region must allocate multiple values). However, in practice many of these objects could be deallocated far before the end of this stack frame is reached. This can be improved with more complex analysis (like the AFL or imperative region management schemes), but there are still some fundamental issues of these schemes with regard to collection types. The problem is since this analysis is type based, and all elements in a collection have their type unified, then their lifetimes are unified as well. Ante aims to mitigate this via move semantics and runtime checks. These runtime checks would be configurable since lifetime inference already assures memory safety, they would only serve to further tighten lifetimes and deallocate earlier. Their exact form is indeterminate however and further restricting inferred lifetimes could be an exciting part of research.


Internally, lifetime inference of refs would start out by using the original Tofte-Taplin stack-based algorithm. This algorithm can infer references which can be optimized to allocate on the stack instead of the heap even if it needs to be allocated on a prior stack frame. The tradeoff for this is that, as previously mentioned, the inferred lifetimes tend to be imprecise. As such, Refs should be avoided when you need more precise control over when something is deallocated. They would not be a complete replacement for other smart pointer types such as Box and Rc. The place where Refs are typically worst is in implementing container types. Refs are implemented using memory pools on the stack under the hood so any container that wants to free early or reallocate and free/resize memory (ie. the vast majority of containers) should use one of the smart pointer types to hold their elements instead.

For these reasons, lifetime inference isn’t an incredibly useful for Ante today so it is not included in the language.